Continuing the theme of rubbish from yesterday, and indeed right next to the fire extinguishers I photographed for day 68 we have this old staircase. My eyes lit up when I saw the paint coming off in long strips as I could immediately see what I wanted from it.
I decided to start with the set up image to show how very easy this was. The first image is shot using the available light and you can see my flash in the bottom right hand corner ready to go; a very boring image really. Now take a look at the next two images, this is how easy it is to change a boring subject into a piece of art by just adding a bit of light. I hope you like it as much as I do.

Shot on my 5D (on manual) with a 100mm macro lens, ISO 100, shutter speed 1/200 sec, aperture f14. The flash was also set to manual at 1/64 power.
The set up for this image was the same as the previous one except for closing the aperture down to f20.
Post processing was identical for both images. Straight into PS, hit with Topaz Adjust Psychedelic (I love this plug-in), back into PS for some High Pass to boost the contrast, and to add the frame and signature.
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