I have been wanting to try this shot for some weeks now but the weather has put pay to it most days. This bit of fencing runs along one side of our garden and I had a thought of putting a flash on the outside firing in and another one at 45 degrees to the model (Ed in this case) camera left and high. Tonight I got to try it and I am reasonably happy with the outcome. It was very dark which made setting it up quite difficult as I could not see Ed through the lens so had to take a shot and then adjust the lighting on what I could see on the back of the camera.

I set up one speedlight behind the fence on manual full power, and a second one on a stand camera left also set to manual but at 1/128 power. Shot on my 5D with a 70-200mm lens attached set to manual, ISO1250, shutter speed 1/125 sec, aperture at f8, the flashes were fired using an STE-2.