FIRE! I found these old fire extinguishers this afternoon and thought they would make a great subject. I saw them as a stylised image so I have been quite heavy on the photoshop. It is always good to try and get a final image in your mind before taking a picture.

The set-up was quite simple as I knew what I wanted and how I wanted the final image to look. Taken on my 5D, set to manual, ISO 100, 1/125 sec at f4.5 with my 70-200mm lens attached. The light was provided by my 580 EX II, set to manual 1/64 power and put on a pile of concrete slabs behind the extinguishers pointing towards the camera. By setting the flash and camera to manual you have complete control over the flash and ambient light which makes creating an image much easier. The colour enhancements were made in LR, then into PS to use the OnOne Phototools to stylise the image, and finally back into PS for the addition of the frame and signature.
Keep it up... another lovely image...