Two for the price of one tonight as I did not have time to upload yesterday's image.
Day 61 is the front of my new portfolio. Purchased from Plastic Sandwich through Damien Lovegrove this is the bees knees of portfolios. Made from leather with John Rose Photography and our logo pressed into the front, I am very pleased with the material, manufacturing, and service of both Damien Lovegrove's PA, Blaise and Joyce at Plastic Sandwich.

Taken with my 5D with my 100mm macro lens attached, the image was lit using a 580 EX II flash. The camera and flash were both set to manual, the flash set to 1/8 power and the camera at 1/160 sec at f32, ISO 100. Very little enhancement was given to this image, I removed a few dust spots and sharpened it up a bit, then added the frame, all in PS.
Day 62 is a little bit of spring. These Crocus have only recently come through; this week's sun convincing them to show themselves.

As usual taken on my 5D set to manual, this time with my 12-24mm lens attached. Lit using nature's own, the camera was set to 1/50 sec at f5.6, ISO 200. A bit of colour enhancement and sharpening, followed by a bit of burning in and the frame added, all in PS
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