A little castle image tonight. I had a light bulb moment while thinking about what I would photograph tonight. This little castle, and I mean little, is one on my son's fish tank items. It was in the bathroom from when he cleaned his fish out the other day and I wondered if I could make it look like a haunted castle on a mountain top. Well, I will let you judge whether I succeeded but I have to say I love it; as does my son.
I have included below the very simple set-up used to capture the image.

A very simple set-up as you can see. A single 580 EX II directly above, adjusted to ensure the correct shadow angle and detail for moonlight, 5D with a 100mm macro lens fitted to ensure I could get close enough, camera set to manual, ISO 100, and 1/125 sec at f32 to ensure enough of the castle is in focus. I took a very low angle for the shot to give the castle a dominant position, ensuring the castle looked bigger than its actual size.
Love it... Its great to be so creative... I am enjoying your series.
Great shot John - very atmospheric!