Day 39 required a bit of ingenuity as I have not really had much of a chance to create today. So here we are with a bit of lateral thinking. I have included the set-up with this one to show you how something very simple can give a dramatic effect if you just think outside of the box and start seeing the potential in the things around you.

A little bit of technical as this really is a simple image to create. Captured on my 5D with a 100mm macro lens attached, set to manual 1/200 sec at f2.8, ISO 100, 580 EXII flash set to ETTL and triggered with an STE-2.

Now I know what you are thinking, I don't have all this fancy equipment, but why not try doing the same thing with your digital compact. Turn off the flash, put a bright light, such as a torch, behind or inside a cheese grater and take the picture. If you have manual settings on the camera then set them to the same as mine to start, and if it is too bright make the aperture smaller (larger number) and if it is too dark open the aperture up (smaller number). Let me know how you get on, perhaps even send me some of the images (click John Rose Photography to go to my website or become a fan of John Rose Photography on Facebook) or put them up on your Facebook profile and invite me to view them. Good Luck!
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