This was difficult, I had a complete mental block on what I should attempt to photograph tonight, hence why I nearly didn't make it. I was sitting watching the TV when I noticed one of my son's trophies. I thought that would be quite interesting with some harsh light and a shallow depth of field; so here it is. I hope you think it is interesting and if not why not set me some interesting challenges of things to photograph. Also suggest how they should be lit, you don't have to be specific just say what you think and I will try and interpret it.

The technical stuff is not very interesting really. Shot on my 5D with a 100mm lens, set to manual at 1/60 sec, f3.2, ISO 400 which was a full stop under the suggested exposure. The trophy was lit using an LED torch from camera left
Interesting concept John. Has an edge to it and is certainly different. Good one.