Day 9 is a little bit of digital art entitled Fire and Ice. I have not had any challenges yet but hopefully somebody will put me to the test soon.

The snow scene was captured today from Figsbury Rings. This spot is a favourite with walkers and there is quite an interesting story that goes with the capture of this image.
I followed a family up the long steep track, quite suprised they were attempting it as it was covered in snow and not really a place for a two-wheel drive car. Anyway they were doing quite well until they got to the entrance to the field people use to park in. As soon as they changed direction they stopped, we watched for a bit until the driver got out and had a look around the car, anyway we helped push them into the field but it was obvious they were not going to turn around for the descent so I linked the towbars on his car and my truck with a strap I carry for such times and pulled him in a circle so they was facing the right way to get out. We then drove on to the top of the field to take the picture I needed for my 365 project.
I hope they enjoyed their walk, and play in the snow, and of course got home safely.
I love this photo and image!