Friday, 30 April 2010

Hursley Hunt One Day Event

We were at Hursley Hunt Pony Club's One Day Event at Rockbourne. Here are a few images from the event. We were very lucky with the weather, the rain coming just as we finished, it was a very good day with some great riding. We ran a competition on the day and we will be posting a picture of the lucky winner in due course. Well done to everyone involved especially the organising team who worked extremely hard to put this wonderful event on.

Saturday, 17 April 2010

365 Project - Day 107

My son using his strength to fend off the opposition attack. This was a disappointing match for us as we were put out of the title race by losing to the team in second. One of our strikers had to move to Leeds with his parents' work and although he was due to fly back for the last couple of games the Icelandic volcano put pay to that today. Our second striker received a kick to his achilles early in the game which meant we had to go with a make shift attack and against a very strong team it was always going to be difficult. Never mind we still have a cup final, and will go into that as favourites.

30D with a 70-200mm lens attached. Aperture priority f4 at 1/6400 sec, ISO400. LR for a bit of HDR then PS for a Bleach Bypass layer and the frame.

365 Project - Days 102, 103, 104, 105, 106

Catch up day today so no technical just images. If you want to know how I did any of them then leave a comment and ask.

Day 102 - Cola bubbles

Day 103 - A good 3-1 win by Salisbury

Day 104 - Advert for Wedding Daze magazine

Day 105 - My new 6' banner

Day 106 - Laburnum

Monday, 12 April 2010

365 Project - Day 101

So was this a trick shot????????? Taken during my son's game yesterday, that's him looking like he is going to get hit be the ball, I am intrigued to know whether 16 had missed the ball while trying to kick it, or was sending a dummy????

30D with a 70-20mm lens attached, aperture priority f7.1, ISO 400, 1/800 sec, into PS for a psychedelic layer and the frame.

Sunday, 11 April 2010

365 Project - Day 100

The first landmark is here, Day 100, and still going strong.
This image was captured at my son's football match where they gave a severe beating of 13-0 to a 7 man team; players had cried off at the last minute for the opposition making it a very one sided game but one that had to be played as the league fine any team not playing their matches due to lack of players, and we still have a chance to win the league.

Taken on my 5D with a 70-200mm lens attached, ISO 800, f5.6, 1/400 sec. Into LR for my HDR then into PS for a Topaz Psychedelic layer and the frame.

Friday, 9 April 2010

365 Project - Days 99

A little landscape offering tonight.

Taken on my G9, set to manual 1/500 sec at f8, ISO 100. The flash fired on automatic to light the sign and I used the high shutter speed and the aperture to give me detail in the sky; as you can see from the post shadow the sun was directly in front, hence the little bit of flair in the tree. Given a HDR look in LR then into PS for a tonal contrast layer before adding the frame.

365 Project - Days 98

Day 98 and I was absolutely beat. This image was captured by my wife on my little G9; and it wasn't even 10 o'clock.

Thursday, 8 April 2010

Gold followed by Silver

Following yesterday's successful Gold award I am told this image of a Nuthatch has received a Silver. I only entered two images in the March competition and got one Gold and one Silver so I am reasonably happy with that.

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

John hits Gold again

Well, 2 in a row; this image was a snap shot taken during a pre-wedding portrait shoot. I thought it was quite nice so I entered it into the Society of Wedding and Portrait Photographers monthly competition; I never for a moment thought I would achieve a Gold for it. That is two Golds in consecutive months so I am a very happy photographer.

Filename: John-Rose-Pets-Wiltshire-March10.jpg
Album name: member / Pets - March 10
File Size: 499 KB
Date added: Mar 08, 2010
Dimensions: 1643 x 2000 pixels
Displayed: 37 times

365 Project - Days 97

A little flower power tonight. I am a bit embarrassed to say I have no idea what this plant is, although I am sure someone will tell me, but it looks very pretty and I thought it would make a nice subject for my photo of the day.

Shot on my 5D with a 100mm macro lens attached, set to manual 1/125 sec at f14, ISO 100, the flash was set to manual 1/128 power. I took this image straight into PS, added a Topaz Small Detail, with a boost to the colour saturation, then added the frame.
I have included a set up shot tonight so you can see how easy it was to shoot. It was daylight when the shot was taken but by back-lighting and shooting on manual it is very easy to make the background appear completely black. Have a go, remember trial and error is the way to learn and with static subjects like flowers you can try and try and they won't get bored. Good Luck.

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

365 Project - Days 96

My son's football team played a training game against the Arsenal Elite Soccer School tonight. I was going to post the usual type of action photo from the match but all of a sudden had a light bulb moment and went for this instead. Sadly they went down 4-2 in the end but they certainly gave them a good game.

The technical is nothing special, taken on my 5D with a 24-105 lens attached, set to manual ISO 400, 1/500 sec at f8 to give me a 1 stop under exposure which is what I needed to ensure the players were not going to burn out. I cropped the image in LR and gave it a sudo-HDR look using the fill light and black sliders, I then evened out the colours before taking it into PS for a Topaz Small Detail layer and to add the frame.

365 Project - Days 95

A little wedding inspiration tonight. I used my wife as a model and my son as a light stand.

Taken on my 5D with a 100mm lens attached. I set the focus point to far left (bottom when turned portrait) to allow me to have the ring in focus without moving the camera, my son held the flash camera right pointing at the ring, the flash was set to manual 1/128 power so I had more control over the exposure. I set the camera to manual ISO 100, 1/200 sec, and started with an aperture of f8, my wife's face was too sharp at this aperture so I opened it up to f5.6 which is what the image above was taken at. Into LR for some basic corrections then into PS for a Topaz Portrait smooth masked from the ring, then the ring was sharpened a little, a bit of buring was undertaken and the frame was added.

Monday, 5 April 2010

365 Project - Days 94

Day 94, Easter Day, and MY MUM. We went over to see mum yesterday and do some work in her garden for her. The last photo I took of mum was at her 80th birthday party and thought it was about time I did a proper portrait, and here it is.

Taken on my 5D with a 70-200mm lens, using natural light the settings were ISO 800, 1/320 sec at f2.8. Cropped and adjusted in LR, into PS for a Topaz portrait layer masked from the eyes and mouth, a bit of desaturation, some burning to the edges and the frame.

365 Project - Days 93

Day 93 and I spent the day in Salisbury with my wife. We had a wander around the shops, had lunch in Reeves where my son works, went and watched a movie (Clash of the Titans) and then had a nice cup of tea in Costa.
This is the first day for ages we have been able to spend together on our own instead of rushing around from one appointment to the next, and it was brilliant. This image was snapped on my G9 from the window in Reeves while having lunch, and shows Salisbury market in full swing.

365 Project - Days 92

Another great win by the whites; COYW. Not the greatest of games from a spectator point of view but the important thing is the figures in the bottom image; 3-1 to Salisbury.

All the images were taken on my G9 using AV mode.

Friday, 2 April 2010

John Rose Photography Newsletter 1

Welcome to our Quarterly Update

This is an opportunity for you all to see what John Rose Photography has been up to over the last 3 months and to see what special offers we are going to be running.

We hope you enjoy reading this, our first quarterly update of the year. Please forward this email to your friends and family so they may also benefit from the special offers we will be running.

What we have been up to?
We started the year with a complete re-branding of John Rose Photography, new logo, website and stationary. The company was started about 3 years ago and although the brand was strong it was suggested that it could benefit from an update ready for the next phase in its evolution. This was a long process which started last summer but it has all been worth it and we are really pleased with the new brand. If you have not been to the new website why not take a tour and don't forget to check out the blog.

John started a 365 project off the back of some conversations he had had with some of his photographer friends. This project is now reaching its 100th image and has been a real challenge for John with his already busy schedule. If you have been following this project either on the blog or our Facebook fan page you will see that he has come up with some unusual subjects, but turned them into stunning images.

We spent a few days at the SWPP convention in London. John spent a morning with his good friends Sofie Louca and John Baikie learning how they would use the interior of the hotel, and how they would post process the images captured. Sunday was awards night where the great and the good of the photography world gather to swap stories, collect awards, and generally have a great time meeting up with old friends, and making new ones.

We were at Stockbridge for Danebury Grasstrack's Burnfield Spinner. This event had been postponed due to the snow but this time we were blessed with good weather and the racing was fast and furious as always.

We had a brilliant pre-wedding shoot with Claire and Paul. Claire and Paul are getting married in June and as with all our wedding packages we include a free portrait shoot to give us all a chance to get to know each other and to ensure the happy couple are relaxed in front of the camera on their big day.

John was awarded Gold in the Society of Wedding and Portrait Photographers (SWPP) monthly competition. It was awarded for his image of a Great Tit which he took in one of his "of duty" moments; "I am a keen wildlife photographer and it was nice to be awarded for my efforts".

Finally I would like to introduce my wife Louanne, who has joined the team at John Rose Photography to stop me spending so much money; or as she describes it, to help out with the admin. These images were taken while she was helping me out with a bit of modelling for my 365 project.


Contact Us:

t: 019 8086 3243
m: 077 8773 4186


We have joined forces with the Milford Hall Hotel to offer a FREE boudior shoot or a FREE cherish the dress shoot to any couple booking John Rose Photography in association with the Milford Hall Hotel for their wedding. This is a limited time offer so please speak to Ali at the Milford Hall on 01722 424116 about booking your wedding reception and John on 07787734186 about booking your wedding photography.

We will be running two special offers this quarter.

1. All family portrait sessions undertaken during April will include an Easter egg hunt for the kids. We will hide Easter eggs around the location of the shoot, whether that be your garden or a local park, and we will combine the shoot with the kids searching for the very well hidden eggs; all siblings are guaranteed an egg to take home.

2. All weddings booked during this quarter (April - June) will include a candlelit three course table d’hôte meal for two at the Salisbury Seafood and Steakhouse, Castle Street, Salisbury. You will be treated to a lovely candlelit meal in the beautiful restaurant, which is part of the Milford Hall Hotel, where the staff will ensure you have a very special evening together.

Book now by calling John on 07787734186 and have a HAPPY EASTER.

We are now offering a payment plan for our wedding clients. This option allows couples to make deposits into their wedding photography account during the months or weeks leading up to the final payment date. Ask about this option at your free consultation meeting and we will be happy to explain it in more detail, or if you have already booked your wedding with us and would like to take advantage of this new service call John or Louanne today.

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